Portfolio Art Project

Portfolio Art Project

Portfolio Project Artist Statement

My artwork looks like a bunch of lines on a big sheet of paper. There are variations of different sizes and boldness of lines throughout my artwork. The subject matter in this project is line art. The title of my work is Lines of America because it is a sketch full of all different kinds of lines and shapes and I made an American Flag out of lines. The elements and principles of my artwork that are most noticeable are that I used all my different utensils in my artwork to make different boldnesses of lines and different tools to create shapes and depths. 

The media my artwork is made from is mainly black pens and pencils. Some of the tools I used were a compass, pens, pencils, rulers, and paper outlines. I used all of these to create distinct lines with different shapes, sizes, and lengths. I made lines through using the pens and pencils with the help of the compass, rulers, and paper outlines. 

The ideas behind my artwork weren’t really inspired by anyone or anything. I mainly looked at the line art ideas that Mrs. Seitz put on canvas to come up with most of the ideas. My artwork doesn’t express much of any social issues except for my American flag I drew on there which was just to show my love for my freedom in this country. I didn’t try to show any emotions throughout my artwork; it was basically just a bunch of line designs with not a whole lot of meaning behind it. 

The goals as an artist I have is to become better at free hand drawing because I’m very bad at that right now. This piece didn’t really help me get a whole lot better at that because I used lots of rulers and compasses so it didn’t help me a whole lot with that.

In creating this artwork, I learned that I should trace over things in pencil first before tracing over it in sharpie so that I have the right line down on the paper first. The final piece is basically what I imagined because I had traced everything out beforehand on a different paper. This piece will influence my future artwork because it made me a better artist in general and will help me be more precise on my next piece.

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