Ceramic Bowl Artist Statement

Ceramic Bowl Artist Statement

Artist Statement – Ceramic Bowl

I’m sharing this Artist Statement with you because for my Intro to Visual Arts class, we made a ceramic bowl and for one of our assignments, we were supposed to share it with the people reading our website. 

My artwork looks like a brown bowl with a square/circular shape around the edges. It has words on the inside of the center of the bowl that says, “SEND IT,” as my several word phrase to describe the year 2020. It also has a wooden texture on the outside of the bowl. The subject matter of my project is the Ceramics unit. The title of my work is “Send It” because we were supposed to choose a one word or phrase that describes 2020 so I chose those words. The elements and principles that are most obvious in my artwork is the wooden design on the outside of the bowl and the brown matte color that goes with the design. 

The media my artwork was made from was clay and glaze. Some tools and techniques I used when creating my art was a spray bottle, medium sponge, small sponges, metal rib tool with teeth, wooden rib tool, needle tool, wooden modeling tool, plastic modeling tool, wedging board, spinning table, rubber ended modeling tool, large wooden modeling tool, slip, and a pencil. 

The thing that inspired my artwork was Mrs. Seitz because we were all required to make the same project in our Visual Arts project and I was inspired by the imprint that I saw of the wood design and I thought it would look really cool on a bowl. My work doesn’t really express a social or personal issue besides the 2020 idea I mentioned before. I didn’t try to express any emotions in my artwork. However, the wood design kind of gives an outdoor feeling which I really like being outdoors. 

My goals as an artist are to become better at free hand drawing which I’ve mentioned in several of my other artist statements but I don’t think this project really helped with that because I didn’t do any free hand sketching. 

In creating this artwork, I learned that it is super hard to make a design on the outside of your bowl and then try and put the walls together because it’s hard to smooth everything out once you have it together and it doesn’t look very good. The final piece isn’t what I imagined because I expected the glaze to come out a little different than how it did. This piece can influence my future artwork because it will teach me to not do a design on the outside of my bowl again because I wasn’t a huge fan of it. Thanks for listening to my artist statement. 

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